My weekend!

Well, This weekend was great! It just gets better and better! My boyfriend and I love each other so much. My primos came from the Salad if you are from there you’ll know where its at. jiji My boyfriend and I spend a lot of our time with mi familia he loves them and they love him so much! He’s a great boyfriend I will talk more about him later. πŸ™‚ well my mom and I are making the preparations for my sister’s baby shower. My Grandpa came from Mexico πŸ™‚ he got here Saturday morning! I’m really happy; he brought my mom some things my aunt sent her for my sister’s baby shower. On Saturday my sister went to get her 3-D ultrasound; I saw my niece!! She looks like she has big cheeks. When ever I decide to have a baby; I want a 3-D ultrasound =] Well I have a test Tuesday got to get to study πŸ™‚

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